Arch. Ngure Kairu discuses coastal Kenya architecture

Arch. Ngure Kairu discuses coastal Kenya architecture

Arch. Ngure Kairu discusses the practice on the continent and shares his highlights from the practice at the Kenyan coast.


We are doing a series of interviews with our current featured architect, Arch. Ngure Kairu. In this particular video he shares his thoughts on the practice of Architecture on the continent and dives in to discuss in depth coastal Kenya architecture. To get the full interview subscribe to the magazine by paying Ksh1,800 via M-Pesa buy goods till number 199958 to receive all the issues published in an year.


  1. Your site should teach about Design Build not the reverse which I learnt is the worst practice in Construction…..

  2. Please let me have ngure kairus contact. I was his client for many years in
    Nbi till he moved to Kilifi n I moved elsewhere n we lost touch!!

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