

BUILDesign magazine serves up an audience of architects, designers, engineers, landscape architects, lighting designers, interior designers, academics, developers, contractors and other parties interested in the built environment.

The magazine is also available in leading supermarkets, shops and book store all over Kenya. Click here to view a list of the stores where BUILDesign Magazine is sold.

Everything we publish counts to our audience, from building reviews to projects to watch to technical advise on sustainable design and specification. Profiles about them and their firms gives an archive of information that would be useful not only to the present generation of the audience but also the future ones.

An advertisement in the BUILDesign magazine comes with an opportunity to provide a short write up of relevant technical information about the products you have advertised, this way, your advertisement is not just a piece of artwork but information that would enable our audience make better choices in their specifications.

To advertise, get in touch with our sales and marketing department through for more details.

Below is a list of some of the companies that have advertised with us:-